ROSE Program

The Research of Original Schools of English (ROSE Program)

We believe that it is essential in the global society of today that students acquire not only language skills but also an international sense and broad viewpoint. On the ROSE program, Students study for a month in St. Anne's College, Oxford University and Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge University during the summer vacation. Students can avail themselves not only of the opportunity to study, but also to experience life in the UK, and in addition to classes enjoy sightseeing and shopping. In leaving one's own country, one comes to see a number of things, and we hope that participants will take advantage of this opportunity and it can be a bridge to a wider world.

Cultivating Global Sensitivities on an Multicultural Campus

Students register for ROSE in April and in the months leading up to departure in the summer can prepare by learning English language and about the economics and culture of the UK. Upon their return credits are awarded. While in the UK, students' days begin in the morning with English, and indeed English must be used in dealing with the staff abroad, who do not speak English. For that month the students will be exposed to English in and out of classes all day, and visit in additional sites of historical, cultural and educational interest. Not only linguistically, but in dealing with life abroad and a different culture, students mature as adults. We hope that participants will learn global sensibility, proper language skills and be capable thereafter of acting on a global stage.